Thursday, August 21, 2008

Marathon Times

I have completed four marathons in the past couple years. Since I have another big event in my life (my wedding) to plan for this November, I decided not to train for a fall marathon. Instead I decided that a more attainable goal would be run a half marathon time under 2 hours (my current PR for the half is 2:01:31).

Anyway, here's my marathon times:
10/1/2006: Maine Marathon (Portland, ME): 4:58:11 (11:23 min/mile)
4/28/2007: Country Music Marathon (Nashville, TN): 5:14:03 (11:59 min/mile)
11/4/2007: Manchester Marathon (Manchester, NH): 4:45:48 (10:55 min/mile)
5/4/2008: New Jersey Marathon (Long Branch, NJ): 4:34:48 (10:37 min/mile)

To qualify for Boston, I would need a run a marathon in 3:45 (a pace of 8:35min/mile). I have a way to go. As you can see, with the exception of Country Music (where I was running on sprained ankle - not smart), I have continually improved my times by 10+ minute increments. I just have to keep chipping away at it.

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