Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I broke the 2 hour 1/2 marathon mark!

Z and I did the Hampton Rockfest 1/2 Marathon on Sunday. I started off diligently obeying my heart rate monitor, keeping it at the 80% level but got tired of hearing it beep and having everyone pass me at about mile 4. I turned off the alarm and started to pick up the pace. I was able to catch up to the 9 min/mile pacer and had him in sight for most of the way. At the water stop at mile 10, I actually passed him. That moment didn't last long, as I heard the tromping footsteps of the pace group right behind me and they proceeded to pass me. I still kept the man in the yellow hat in sight, but he started become more and more on distant horizon. As I approached mile 11, I looked at my watch at recognized that even if I slowed to 10min/mile pace, I would still make under 2 hours. So I relaxed a bit but I was starting the feel the stress on my body and I was cursing the fact that I decided on the long-sleeve instead of the short-sleeve shirt. When I saw the finish line, I dug deep and pushed myself to the end even though I felt like collapsing. Then I saw the clock at 1:58 something and I knew made it. Actual chip time was 1:58:49. Z came in at an impressive 1:41:53, a PR for him.

As predicted, we didn't stick around long enough for the band but opted to go to Portsmouth for lunch where I satisfied my craving for a grilled cheese sandwich and fries :-)

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