Sunday, August 15, 2010

And yet another a few months pass...

...without writing on my blog. I realize having a more mobile baby makes it hard to type when she wants to "play" with mommy's toy (the laptop).

I also haven't written much because I haven't run much. I looked at the calendar and realized that Reach the Beach is just a month away! Yikes! I better up my mileage if I am to run the race and live to tell about it.

This past week is the first week that I have been somewhat consistent with running. I really got discouraged a couple weeks ago when I could barely do a four mile loop - I even had to stop and walk a couple times - with my friend. I decided after a bout of self-pity that I just needed to get out more even if that means having to wait until after dinner, bathing the little Z, and putting her to bed at 8PM. Or getting up a little earlier in the morning (somehow that doesn't seem to work out as well). Fortunately, the big Z is very supportive and can usually handle the bedtime routine while I head out the door.

Today I did 5+ miles with some serious hills without stopping or walking. I forgot just how great a really good run can feel. It was so freeing just to be a runner for that hour that I was on the road.

Now, I am looking for next half marathon to run this fall...

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