Monday, September 15, 2008


As I mentioned, I completed the Reach the Beach Relay over the weekend with 11 other crazy running friends. I am normally conservative in my running but I must been overcome with all the excitement of the race and I went out too fast on my first leg. This was also my hardest and longest of the three legs (8.6 miles) that I was assigned to run. This was not my brightest idea. I ended up feeling wasted in my second leg and hobbled through the my last leg. My right shin for some reason decided to act up. When I got home, I showered and went to bed only to wake up at 3 AM in excruciating pain, to the point that I was in tears. Z feel asleep in front of the TV and it took all my power to make it down the stairs. Even though I woke him up, Z was very attentive. Neither of us was really sure what to do. Do I go to the ER? Can I tough it out? Well, I opted for the latter and thankfully some RICE, TLC, and Advil PM helped. I felt a lot better after I slept and even better today although I still have some tenderness. I learned my lesson here about how not to run a relay... and maybe hold off any major races until after the wedding

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