Sunday, September 14, 2008

Reach the Beach Recap

Reach the Beach has come and gone. Reach the Beach is essentially a race you do with 11 other friends that are crazy enough to run 200 miles collectively and continuously for 2 days. It's like a roving party with a little running and, if you're lucky, some sleep, thrown in.

Z captained a team, The Colbert Nation, again this year. Overall, I think it's the smoothest relay that I have done (two RTB's and one Green Mountain Relay (GMR)). I think the relay veterans on the team got this relay thing done to science including how to get the marker off the van windows before returning them to the rental place (diaper wipes work really well).

The race organizers revamped some of the logistics to stagger the runners going through the transition areas (TA's) a little more. That meant that our start time, 11:40 AM, was about 3 hours later than the previous two relays. There was definitely concerns about getting to the finish "before the chicken got cold". We actually did very well with an overall time of 30:39:30 (8:47 min/mile pace), about hour faster than last year even with the additional 6 miles this year. Of course, the time is not all that important.

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