Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Third Place in Francestown

Yesterday, Labor Day, Z, B, and I did the Francestown Five race. Z and I have done this race for two out of the past three years and are charmed by this small town race. It's a challenging but scenic course that winds through the woodlands and farms of the town. This course is infamous for the uphill finish. I think race directors in New Hampshire get a kick out of planning uphill finishes for some reason. In any case, it ends at their annual Labor Day festivities in the town center. As I was coming into the last mile, I was very happy to realize that I was going to finish at sub-9 min/mile pace

At the finish, we were replenshing ourselves with baked goods and water and chatting with other folks as they announced the winners of the race. None of us were paying attention until they announced my name as the third place winner for a female in the 30-39 age category. Not only that, Z won third place in his age and gender category, too!

Now, how does this fit into being in a top of the bell curve? Well, I looked at the times at home and found out that I placed 3rd out of 6. So that does put right smack dab at the top of the bell curve. Not too shabby for this adult onset athlete.

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